Prints Charming.
If you'll be at the San Diego Comic-Con next week do stop by table CC-04 in "Artists Alley" and say hi. And buy one of my exclusive and limited prints. We just got these in - two brand spanking full colour large format prints just begging to be framed and hung.
Or flip over to the bondnet store and order them by mail from there.
Anyhows, this will be the first time I've been able to get out to San Diego since before the sprog was born and the first time I've done the Artists Alley thing at all. In fact any time I've been to the San Diego Con before I'll confess I've never even glanced at the Artists Alley. In short I've no idea what to expect. I shall anticipate sitting there bored out of my tiny mind as kids dressed as World Of Warcraft characters wander by, glance vacantly at my nametag and move along to the next table. At least I'll have a chair so I'll be the one laughing.
If you're one of those kids wandering by I have two requests: don't ask me to draw a picture of Superman; and buy one of my prints, or I'll be walking home.
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