characters I never expected I’d have to draw #87
I can now cross Howard The Duck off my list.
Another big clearout. Original pages from that old chestnut Kill Your Boyfriend have been making their way over onto eBay. Close to the bottom of their box now so if you ever fancied one now’s the time. Or if ever-regenerating self-aware buffoonery is your bag (and you want to avoid the eBay machine) I’ve just added a whole bunch of Deadpool art to the catalog of available original pages here.
Any chance that you will collect and publish the most excellent WIRED WORLD? As an old DEADLINE fan way back in the day, this, Tank Girl and a certain Nemo were my favorite strips - and well, TG, JN have now been republished but no sign that I know of, of the wonderful, the zany, the insane WW.